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Women in Hospitality – Sheraton Grand Palace Indore

Seema Taj,  Director of Sales, Sheraton Grand Palace Indore  How does your workplace embrace equality? we believe in equality for all employees and job applicants. I feel that my team of four female members and two male members are given equal opportunities. We are well

Seema Taj, 

Director of Sales, Sheraton Grand Palace Indore 

How does your workplace embrace equality?

we believe in equality for all employees and job applicants. I feel that my team of four female members and two male members are given equal opportunities. We are well accepted inspite of our differences, which creates a positive and secure work environment. We are not discriminated on any grounds at our workplace. We all have an equal chance to thrive in our careers. Our workplace is accountable and transparent, making us develop leadership skills. Our perspectives are valued and considered when making decisions.

As a woman, how do you make sure that you embrace equality? When you are the decision maker how do you make sure you are not a gender biased?

As a woman and a decision maker, I understand that the roles and responsibilities of both genders are equally important. I strive to make decisions that are gender-neutral and based on an individual’s inputs in order to achieve the desired objectives. I make sure that any conflicts are discussed openly and that effective solutions are provided.

I listen to the issues being faced by both genders and work towards providing solutions to the issues, with a view to inculcate harmony amongst the employees at the workplace. Irrespective of the gender, we all are humans and humans make mistakes. I take care that in case of any mistake is made by a colleague, I listen to him or her and work for getting the things right again. Knowing the fact that communication is the key, I always try to be more communicative and team building in nature.

The workplace runs on two wheels: women and men. It’s important to ensure that both genders are treated equally and provided with a healthy work environment.

Do you believe that gender inclusive policies are justified with an increasing number of women in the industry while still not being a 50% strength or close?

There is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in the workplace, but employers are taking steps in the right direction. More and more women are joining male-dominated industries and proving their efficiency in the workplace. Employers are also working to create a women friendly atmosphere at their workplaces. Women have always been powerful multitaskers and excellent communicators. With more women being educated than ever before, they are taking charge in the corporate world. In many industries, women bosses are managing organizations flawlessly. I believe that slowly but surely, gender inclusive policies will become the norm.


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