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Women in Hospitality – Jumeirah Bali

Ram Hiralal, General manager, Jumeirah Bali. How does your workplace embrace equality?  At Jumeirah Bali, we strive to create an environment of fairness, equality, and acceptance, where everyone is given equal opportunities, equal pay, and career experiences,

Ram Hiralal, General manager, Jumeirah Bali.

How does your workplace embrace equality?

 At Jumeirah Bali, we strive to create an environment of fairness, equality, and acceptance, where everyone is given equal opportunities, equal pay, and career experiences, regardless of their differences. We also ensure that our employees feel secure and happy in their work environment. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion ensures that everyone has the chance to reach their full potential.

Do you believe that gender-inclusive policies are justified with an increasing number of women in the industry, while still not being a 50% strength or close?

We believe that it’s time to foster gender equality and empower women to be financially independent. Traditionally, the ratio of women to men in the workforce has been slightly lower than men, often due to the expectation that women should resign and focus on the family after marriage. However, this should not be seen as a limitation, but as an opportunity to embrace and encourage women to become financially independent and secure their financial future. By doing so, we can work towards achieving gender equality and creating a more equitable society.

As a woman, how do you make sure that you embrace equality? When you are the decision maker how do you make sure you are not gender-biased?

When it comes to promoting equality, many people tend to focus solely on gender. However, we believe that true equality must extend beyond this, to encompass how fairly we treat all people we work with or are going to work with, regardless of their gender, race, background, or any other factor. We must also ensure that goals are objectively measured and that everyone has the same opportunity to succeed. Only then we can truly achieve true equality in the workplace.



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