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Travel Agents Pioneering Industry Growth Through Customer Experience

This article is authored by Arun Bagaria, Co-Founder & CEO of TravClan Indians are spending more than ever on travel with the travel market expected to grow to US $125 Billion in the next 4 years.

Indians are spending more than ever on travel with the travel market expected to grow to US $125 Billion in the next 4 years. While the early 2000s witnessed growth of OTAs, in recent times, growth of OTAs have slowed down as modern travelers look for service. In an era flooded with information and faceless websites, standing out requires offering a personalized and outstanding experience. The connection between a brand and its customers goes beyond logos – it’s about crafting a story that unfolds from booking to the final adventure.

Exceptional Customer Service:

Good travel brands are focusing on customers and their experience rather than chasing reviews or followers.This approach builds genuine customers who become advocates, bringing immeasurable value to the business. Travel agents continue to serve a loyal customer base who take multiple trips with the same company.

B2B Travel platforms like TravClan’s are focussed on providing exceptional customer-centric experiences, by empowering travel agents to offer seamless on-trip experience with live pick up information, driver details, personalized itineraries and 24/7 customer support. In a landscape where technology evolves, the enduring importance of the personal touch in tailoring experiences is evident, especially for the discerning tastes of Indian travelers who seek more than standard trips.

The Power of Personalization by Travel Agents

In a world where travelers’ are hungry for unique experiences, personal service, the special human touch, the wisdom of travel agents come to the forefront. Travel agents have continued to play a significant role in shaping travel choices, emphasizing the lasting importance of personal service in India. For instance, when Indians travel abroad, their dietary preferences, especially for vegetarian or jain food, become crucial considerations. For instance, a trip to Japan, known for its sushi or seafood, may pose a challenge for a picky Indian traveler. Here, a travel agent’s expertise becomes invaluable in planning a journey that includes stops at places offering delicious vegetarian sushi and traditional Japanese vegetarian dishes.

Best Brands will be built when companies go beyond being facilitators but become creators of memorable and personalized adventures, acknowledging the unique needs and desires of travelers.



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