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Procurement: An underrated task taken care of by General Managers – Hyatt Regency Trivandrum

Rahul Raj, General Manager, Hyatt Regency Trivandrum As a GM, what is your role in terms of procurement? I was the first employee at Hyatt Regency Trivandrum. And the first order of business I took was to

Rahul Raj, General Manager, Hyatt Regency Trivandrum

As a GM, what is your role in terms of procurement?

I was the first employee at Hyatt Regency Trivandrum. And the first order of business I took was to look out for procurement options for the different departments of the hotel. After extensive research on the latest technologies and the process of procurement, I used reference sheets, screenshots, and other methods to help explain the process I wanted to use for the hotel.

How closely do you work with the procurement team or purchase department for the same?

I am always an active part of procurement meetings. I meet them daily and understand how the process has been taking place. I try to understand their issues and the things they do best and I also try to give the team my recommendations, suggestions, and other sources for procurement, etc.

Are all purchases at your hotel centralized or are their local options and variations considered?

We have always believed that local communities and local ingredients are the best for our hotel. It is not just about serving our guests healthy and organic food, but understanding our food miles as well. The distance our food has traveled is extremely vital for the element of sustainability we follow at Hyatt Regency Trivandrum. For us, the local suppliers are our business partners. Even though we import some products because of their amazing quality, we still like to integrate the local community with every aspect of our supply chain management.



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