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Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2022

The key findings of the ‘Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2022’ are given in the table below- Items2020-212021-22% ChangeMilk Production(Million Tonnes)209.95221.065.29Egg Production(Billion Numbers)122.05129.606.19Meat Production(Million Tonnes)8.809.295.57Wool Production(Million Kgs)36.9333.13-10.29 It implies that the major livestock production has increased and Livestock

The key findings of the ‘Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2022’ are given in the table below-

Items2020-212021-22% Change
Milk Production(Million Tonnes)209.95221.065.29
Egg Production(Billion Numbers)122.05129.606.19
Meat Production(Million Tonnes)8.809.295.57
Wool Production(Million Kgs)36.9333.13-10.29

It implies that the major livestock production has increased and Livestock Sector’s contribution to the Gross Value Added (GVA) has also been increased.

Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying use this information as indicators as well as to frame policies as per the provision in their scheme.

The Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics (BAHS) is released annually on the basis of data collected through the scheme namely, Integrated Sample Survey (ISS). This scheme is evaluated every year by the Technical Committee of Direction (TCD) for improvement of Animal Husbandry Statistics. The Committee meets once in every year to evaluate the progress of the scheme. The recommendations of the committee are implemented by all States/UTs Animal Husbandry Department and Action taken report is submitted to the TCD in its subsequent meeting. In the similar line, Technical Monitoring Committee (TMC) is in place in every State/UTs to provide technical advice on survey methodology and its implementation.

This information was given by Shri Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.



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