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Tata Soulfull India share Insights on World Environment Day

Tata Soulfull, is dedicated to promoting the benefits of millet. We believe in the power of these remarkable grains to help drive sustainable change. Aligned with the theme "Our Land, Our Future," for World Environment Day, millets represent a

Tata Soulfull, is dedicated to promoting the benefits of millet. We believe in the power of these remarkable grains to help drive sustainable change. Aligned with the theme “Our Land, Our Future,” for World Environment Day, millets represent a cornerstone in our mission to conserve water and rejuvenate our planet.

Millets are not only nutritious but also exceptionally water-efficient. Compared to other staple grains like rice and wheat, which can require up to 4,000 litres of water per kilogram, millets thrive on as little as 300-500 litres. This remarkable potential makes millet vital for ensuring food security in a changing climate.

At Tata Soulfull, we are committed to bringing the goodness of millet to every household in the country in a contemporary form. Our products harness the natural resilience of millets, fostering mindfull and more sustainable eating habits. By choosing millets, we are making a continuous effort to protect our water resources, enhance soil health, and promote biodiversity.

As we look toward the future, we as a brand, envision a world where sustainable agriculture is the norm, and our land is restored and thriving. Integrating millet into our daily diets can help create a more resilient and sustainable food system.

Prashant Parameswaran is MD and CEO, Tata Soulfull



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