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FHRAI’s goals are set under the leadership of President Pradeep Shetty

In Conversation with Pradeep Shetty, President of FHRAI As tourism plays a significant role in India's economy, how is FHRAI collaborating with stakeholders to promote sustainable tourism practices that benefit local communities and preserve cultural heritage

FHRAI has taken proactive steps to promote sustainable tourism practices by collaborating with key stakeholders.  By signing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with organizations like the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, Indian Plumbing Association and Indian Green Building Council, FHRAI aims to implement comprehensive solutions to address social and environmental sustainability challenges within the hospitality sector. By advocating for the adoption of social and environmental sustainability tools and resources, FHRAI seeks to encourage stakeholders in the tourism industry to prioritize sustainability in their operations.

FHRAI is at the forefront of promoting environmentally friendly practices within the hospitality sector through strategic initiatives and collaborations. Organization of the “Travel for Life – Tourism Sustainability Summit 2024”, supported by the Ministry of Tourism was a major initiative of the Federation in this direction.  This Summit was also supported by Niti Aayog, Invest India, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hotel Association of India, NCHMCT, KPMG, Government of Rajasthan and Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (UK). This initiative aimed to drive large-scale behavioral changes among tourists and businesses in the tourism sector, leading to significant impacts on environmental protection and climate action.

During the Summit, FHRAI has also established notable partnerships to advance sustainability. They signed an MoU with the Indian Plumbing Association (IPA) to facilitate knowledge exchange and joint initiatives for water conservation and sustainable plumbing practices in hotels and restaurants. Additionally, FHRAI partnered with the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) to strengthen their commitment to sustainable development in the built environment. This collaboration is focused on positioning India as a global leader in sustainable building practices by 2025. Through these initiatives and collaborations, FHRAI is actively championing environmentally friendly practices and driving positive change in the hospitality industry. FHRAI with the help of IGBC will enable easy guidelines and measures to existing and new Hotels to achieve various sustainable goals and spread awareness on environmental practices within all section of the Hotel sector.

As India charts its path towards sustainable growth, FHRAI envisions a future where sustainable practices and eco-friendly initiatives play a central role in shaping the hospitality sector. With tourism poised to create 25 million new jobs in the coming years, FHRAI recognizes the significant economic potential of the industry. However, it also acknowledges the pressing need to address greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact.   FHRAI believes that sustainability isn’t just a concept but a powerful force for transformation. By embracing sustainable practices, businesses can ensure their long-term success while contributing to a healthier planet. As such , FHRAI will drive home the point of enhanced business / revenues adopting green initiatives thereby appealing to prospective customers in the ever evolving perception of responsible tourism in the minds of guests / customers .Through partnerships and collaborative action, FHRAI aims to drive positive change in the hospitality industry, fostering a greener and more resilient future for generations to come. The time for action is now, and FHRAI is committed to leading the charge towards a more sustainable future in the hospitality sector.

In light of the challenges posed by the global pandemic, FHRAI sees the importance of building resilience within the hospitality sector to withstand future uncertainties. We believe that several key strategies will be essential for long-term success. Diversifying revenue streams and exploring innovative business models, such as hybrid offerings and digital experiences, can help mitigate risks associated with fluctuating demand. Furthermore, strong partnerships and collaborations within the industry, as well as with government bodies and other stakeholders, will be crucial for sharing best practices and advocating for supportive policies. Investing in workforce development and training programs to ensure a skilled and adaptable workforce capable of navigating future challenges will be imperative for sustainable growth and success.

As FHRAI looks towards the future, we anticipate several key trends and developments that will shape the trajectory of the hospitality sector in India. Firstly, we expect a continued emphasis on technology integration to enhance guest experiences, streamline operations, and drive efficiency. This includes the adoption of contactless solutions, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to personalize services and improve decision-making. Additionally, sustainability will increasingly become a focal point, with consumers placing greater importance on eco-friendly practices and responsible tourism. Therefore, we foresee a growing demand for green initiatives, energy-efficient infrastructure, and locally sourced products. Moreover, the rise of experiential travel, solo travellers especially women and the desire for authentic cultural experiences will drive innovation in product offerings and destination marketing. The continued evolution of consumer preferences, including a shift towards wellness-focused travel and new travel trends combined with business, new trends such as smart hotels, virtual tours, augmented reality will necessitate agility and adaptability from hospitality businesses to meet evolving demands effectively. 



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