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Fervently dedicated to tourism, adept at crafting influential strategies that spotlight Fiji’s allure to a worldwide audience

In conversation with BRENT HILL, CEO, TOURISM FIJI With over decades of experience in the Tourism Industry, we are eager to hear about your journey. Kindly share your most memorable moment with Tourism Fiji and what

    I love tourism because it’s a product that people want – they want to be on holiday! So marketing something people love and look forward to is great and really exciting. Before joining Tourism Fiji, I honed my skills as the Executive Director of Marketing at the South Australian Tourism Commission. Always seeking new horizons, I seized the opportunity at Tourism Fiji, eager to take my expertise to a global stage.

    One of my proudest moments at Tourism Fiji was the launch of the “where happiness come naturally” campaign. This initiative was aimed to revitalize Fiji’s tourism sector after the pandemic. The campaign’s success exceeded all expectations, garnering over 26 million views and significantly boosting Fiji’s global visibility. My pride stems not just from the campaign’s reach, but from its role in bringing tourists back and supporting the local Fijian economy.

    For me, the most rewarding aspect of tourism lies in witnessing the tangible impact of our efforts. Seeing Fijians return to work and the industry flourish post-pandemic has been incredibly fulfilling. I live in Nadi which is a tourist hub, so to see tourists happy and enjoying themselves in Fiji is always a joy. I also cherish the collaborative spirit within the industry. Working alongside various stakeholders, we design captivating and effective marketing strategies that showcase Fiji’s beauty and hospitality to the world.

    By 2030, Fiji aspires to be a model for sustainable and inclusive tourism. We aim to strategically develop our tourism sector to ensure it remains an economic powerhouse while protecting Fijian culture. Climate change and global trends necessitate a resilient approach. We are adapting, diversifying, and mitigating risks, all while upholding exceptional service and safety. Shared prosperity is key. We’ll collaborate with communities to create cultural experiences, fostering heritage preservation and economic opportunity.

    Technology is our tool. We use it to enhance digital marketing, broaden our reach, and create personalized travel experiences. Imagine a seamless journey – from discovering Fiji to booking your trip and sharing your memories – all powered by technology.

    This is our vision: a thriving, sustainable Fiji where tourism benefits all. We’ll showcase our natural beauty, cultural richness, and warm hospitality, ensuring a bright future for generations to come.

    Leveraging our established presence in traditional markets, we’re expanding our reach to capture the excitement of emerging markets like China, India, and Southeast Asia. Targeted marketing campaigns and travel packages designed to cater to their unique preferences will be key. To accommodate the anticipated surge in visitors, we’re making significant investments in infrastructure and digital solutions. Its exciting that we’re now a really attractive destination for investors from across the world due to our pure natural setting, and strong yields. We’re also fortifying the Fiji brand, showcasing it not just as a leisure paradise but also as a premier destination for adventure, events, weddings and meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions (MICE) tourism. All this will be delivered with the Fijian hospitality that’s renowned worldwide. Sustainability and inclusivity are cornerstones of our long-term plans, ensuring a thriving future where both visitors and local communities prosper.

    The tourism industry is constantly adapting to a dynamic travel landscape shaped by global trends and evolving consumer behaviour. These shifts often stem from major world events like the COVID-19 pandemic, which has placed health and safety at the forefront of traveller concerns. Destinations with robust health protocols, readily available travel insurance, and high hygiene standards in accommodations and transportation are now highly sought-after. In response, the industry has implemented rigorous health measures and flexible booking options to address these concerns and provide peace of mind to travellers.

    Beyond health and safety, digital transformation is a key driver of change. From online booking platforms and virtual tours to contactless check-ins and mobile payments, technology streamlines every aspect of the travel experience. Travellers now expect seamless digital interactions throughout their journey, and the industry is investing heavily in technological solutions to meet these expectations.

    Additionally, consumer preferences have shifted towards authentic and immersive experiences. Traditional sightseeing is being replaced by a desire to engage with local cultures, cuisines, and communities. Travellers are seeking meaningful connections and memories, leading to a surge in popularity of community-based tourism and unique local experiences. Finally, the modern traveller seeks personalization. They crave customized itineraries, personalized recommendations, and bespoke services. The use of data and AI is fuelling this trend, allowing the industry to deliver tailored experiences that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    When it comes to our strategy for the Asia market in 2024, we are focused on several key initiatives aimed at enhancing Fiji’s appeal and accessibility to travellers from across the Asia region. It revolves around proactive marketing, strategic partnerships, and the development of tailored experiences to position Fiji as a premier destination. We see China, India and Japan as being of particular interest and focus.

    We recognize the importance of targeted marketing efforts tailored specifically to the preferences and interests of Asian travellers. This involves leveraging digital platforms, social media channels, and partnerships with influential travel agencies and online booking platforms to effectively reach our target audience.

    In addition to marketing, we are also prioritizing the development of strategic partnerships with airlines, tour operators, and travel agencies in key Asian markets to increase air connectivity and promote Fiji as a desirable holiday destination. We also like to work with celebrities and influencers – its very powerful in Asia, eg using Bollywood superstars to come to Fiji to spread the word on how beautiful and luxurious coming to Fiji is.

    We understand the significance of providing unique and authentic experiences that cater to the diverse interests of Asian travellers. This includes promoting cultural experiences, adventure tourism, eco-friendly initiatives, and luxury accommodations tailored to the preferences of Asian tourists.

    Fiji’s global marketing strategy is a targeted and dynamic approach designed to make us a top destination for all types of travellers. We understand that different markets have unique preferences. Whether it’s families craving adventure, couples seeking romance, or eco-conscious travellers, we tailor our message to resonate with their specific interests and aspirations. On aspect that stands to resonate with all is Fiji’s culture of happiness and people – and we put this at our forefront! Data and market research are crucial to our success. These insights allow us to refine our marketing strategies, optimize campaigns, and allocate resources effectively.

    Our campaigns highlight Fiji’s stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and warm hospitality, positioning us as a destination of choice.  As guardians of Fiji’s heritage, we champion sustainable tourism. Our marketing emphasizes Fiji’s commitment to environmental conservation, community empowerment, and responsible travel, appealing to eco-conscious travellers who value authenticity and ethical practices.

    Brent is a passionate leader, who believes in the power of tourism to drive positive growth.

    “Tourism is in his DNA”

    A professional sports person!

    Tourism Fiji serves our industry – to grow tourism and provide meaningful jobs, showcase our culture and drive sustainable development.



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