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Expert’s Viewpoint: Vineet Manocha on ‘Safer Food, Better Health’ by WHO

The shrinking world owing to convenient travel and Media boom has made the customer very inquisitive and demanding when it comes to food.  The aspirational customer now demands wider variety of foods than in the

The shrinking world owing to convenient travel and Media boom has made the customer very inquisitive and demanding when it comes to food.  The aspirational customer now demands wider variety of foods than in the past; they want foods that are not in season and often eat away from home and calling in the prepared food in delivery orders.  Food travelling widely, if not handled well can cause major health concerns for the consumers.  This has increased the responsibility of Food Service Operators to serve Safe food and ensure better health for our guests.

For us, food safety has always been our number one priority.  Serving Safe Food takes precedence even on serving Tasty Food.  We have an in-house Quality Assurance team which includes well qualified Microbiologists who test and audit our food continuously. 

Food Safety, for us starts right from sourcing and receiving the best quality ingredients.  We pay premium to ensure that our vendors maintain consistency and set standards for all ingredients coming in.  We design our kitchens and storage areas to ensure there is no chance of contamination.  We have extremely stringent SOPs of food handling, food storage, food segregation, food cooking, food holding and food serving.  We maintain traceability for our food from farm to table so that we can get to the root cause in case of any eventuality.  Our QA team continuously check the risk and based on their findings develop and upgrade our sustainable, integrated food safety systems.  We follow the HACCP system and train our team continuously on their responsibility towards the Public health.

Vineet Manocha, Senior Vice President – Culinary at Lite Bite Foods


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