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Beauty of Stress

Authored article by Rocky Kalra, Vice President, Operations at The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group. Beauty of Stress Stress has become an unavoidable companion in our fast-paced lives, affecting our well-being and overall happiness. It is important

Authored article by Rocky Kalra, Vice President, Operations at The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group.

Beauty of Stress Stress has become an unavoidable companion in our fast-paced lives, affecting our well-being and overall happiness. It is important to understand that stress is not something imposed upon us by external forces; rather, it is self-created. By acknowledging this fact and taking conscious steps, we can regain control over our lives and find inner peace. Stress can be broadly classified into two types: physical and mental. Physical stress occurs when our body is overworked and in need of rest. In our relentless pursuit of success, we often push ourselves beyond our limits, neglecting the importance of rejuvenation. Consequently, our body suffers, leading to exhaustion and increased susceptibility to illness. On the other hand, mental stress stems from incessant thoughts about a particular person or situation, accompanied by worry and anxiety. Our mind becomes trapped in a loop of negative thinking, replaying scenarios and anticipating the worst outcomes.

This perpetual rumination drains our mental energy and prevents us from experiencing peace and contentment. Unfulfilled desires lie at the root of ALL our stress. As human beings, we constantly strive for more – be it material possessions, achievements, or recognition. When our desires remain unfulfilled, we experience frustration and discontentment, leading to elevated stress levels. One crucial step towards conquering stress is accepting that we are the cause of it. Rather than viewing stress as a burden, we can shift our perspective and recognize it as a catalyst for growth and personal development.

By embracing stress, we learn valuable lessons about ourselves and our capacity to overcome challenges. In life the best formula to follow is a simple one- Give and Take, not Take and Give. Notice the word order- when we give and expect nothing back, our joy returns manifold. However, when we have expectations and want to take first, we are often let down.

The act of giving selflessly brings immense pleasure and fulfilment, whereas constantly seeking to take from others or the world around us only leads to further dissatisfaction and stress. The sad reality is as humans, we often focus on what we don’t have, and never take stock of how many blessings we have been given. We should be thankful for simple things such as having healthy body, and air to breathe- which we often forget. Why? We should be happier for gaining something positive rather than focusing on the shortfalls. It is crucial to remember that despite the challenges and stress we face, we need to understand that life itself is a precious gift, and each moment is an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Embracing this perspective enables us to approach life’s adversities with resilience and a sense of gratitude. Taking a practical approach to stress involves moving from passive thinking to active problem solving. Instead of getting caught in a cycle of overthinking and worry, it is essential to take decisive action.

Seeking help and guidance from the right people, taking necessary steps to address the issues causing stress, and refraining from excessive rumination are key to breaking free from its grip. In times when stress feels overwhelming, immediate temporary solutions can provide relief: 

✓ Deep breathing 

✓ Indulging in long walks 

✓ Engaging in sports 

✓ Finding reasons to laugh 

✓ Seeking company of positive individuals 

✓ Practice meditation

To conclude, stress is not an external force beyond our control; it is self-created. By accepting stress, embracing the present moment, adopting a practical approach, and seeking both immediate and long-term solution, we can conquer stress and find inner peace. Remember, the power to live a stress-free life lies within each one of us. Rocky Kalra Vice President Operations- The Lalit Group of hotels 



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