Home / Hotel  / Beach Clean Drive – Crowne Plaza Kochi x PROMISE ( Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshwadeep Sea)

Beach Clean Drive – Crowne Plaza Kochi x PROMISE ( Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshwadeep Sea)

Crowne Plaza Kochi takes immense pride to be associated with PROMISE for an initiative dedicated to addressing the pressing issue of plastic pollution in our oceans and beaches. One of the most significant environmental challenges we

Crowne Plaza Kochi takes immense pride to be associated with PROMISE for an initiative dedicated to addressing the pressing issue of plastic pollution in our oceans and beaches.

One of the most significant environmental challenges we face today is plastic pollution in our oceans and beaches. To commemorate World Environment Day this year, Crowne Plaza Kochi organised a massive clean beach drive in association with PROMISE (Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshwadeep sea) , bringing people together to contribute towards a cleaner and healthier coastal ecosystem.

In addition to organizing beach cleaning drives, we have extended our efforts to other impactful activities. We are distributing tree saplings in the neighborhood, conducting street cleaning drives, and facilitating online workshops and interactive sessions. We also held a competition in schools, encouraging high school students to deliver speeches on World Environment Day topics.

Furthermore, we are actively promoting sustainable practices by distributing LED bulbs and jute bags. In line with our commitment to a greener future, we have installed EV charging stations to support electric vehicles in our vicinity.

Our focus remains on implementing long-term solutions to combat plastic pollution. As a step forward, we are dedicated to promoting recycling and sustainable practices throughout the hotel. We are proud to announce the installation of a glass bottling plant, which will replace plastic bottles and significantly reduce plastic waste.

We believe that by taking these collective actions, we can make a substantial positive impact on the environment. Together, let us strive for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future.


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