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Watertech startup Boon teams up with TFS; aims to set up an AI-enabled smart hydration system at airport lounges

India, October 12, 2022: Intending to replace plastic bottles with a sustainable, plastic-free, smart hydration system at airports, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabled global water-tech startup Boon (formerly known as Swajal) has formed a strategic partnership with

India, October 12, 2022: Intending to replace plastic bottles with a sustainable, plastic-free, smart hydration system at airports, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabled global water-tech startup Boon (formerly known as Swajal) has formed a strategic partnership with Travel Food Services (TFS) to unveil WaterCube S2 in the market, a smart hydration system that delivers sustainable drinking water.

Over the years, waste generated from plastic has become a worrisome problem worldwide. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) estimates India’s annual plastic waste to be about 3.3 million metric tonnes yearly. According to the UN, only 9% of global plastic waste is recycled, which suggests that oceans will accumulate more plastic than fish by 2050. Another study (from an Indian perspective) reports that microplastics have contaminated about 93% of the surveyed water. Such statistics call for immediate sustainable initiatives by companies around the globe to protect our environment.

In India, the partnership between Boon (Swajal) and Travel Food Services (TFS) aims to address the rising problem of plastic pollution with WaterCube S2. It’s designed to deliver alkaline mineralised water without microplastics, carbon miles and plastic dumping by embracing an intelligent hydration system that leverages advanced artificial intelligence to monitor water quality in real-time and predicts potential maintenance issues.

 “We are delighted to launch our revolutionary invention, WaterCube S2, to disrupt the drinking water space. For so long, airports have always served water in plastic bottles to patrons. With WaterCube S2, people can rely on a sustainable, plastic-free drinking water solution at airport lounges and get 2X more minerals than regular plastic bottled water. Moreover, our initiative will reduce environmental hazards and improve passengers’ health while they travel to different places”.

Advait Kumar, the Co-founder of Boon WaterCube,

Through this notable partnership, Boon (Swajal) and TFS would remarkably save 751371.4 Kg of Plastic Waste, 13305.5 barrels of oil, and 2254114.3 Kg of CO₂ emissions within five years.

“We are happy to partner with Boon, which owns the world’s most advanced AI-enabled water purification system that is 40% more efficient than standard water purifiers. Through our partnership, we will effectively help airports to switch from plastic water bottles to an innovative, sustainable, and touchless hygienic option. By reducing plastic usage, we can also make a positive environmental impact through our constant strive for innovation”.

Mr. Gaurav Dewan, Chief Operating Officer of Travel Food Services

Boon (Swajal) is a renowned name in the realm of drinking water. Besides airports, it has empowered multiple offices, hotels, and factories to ditch plastic bottles and adopt a pure hydration solution through its innovative technology, Clairvoyant.

About Boon

Boon, formerly known as Swajal, is an impact water tech startup that is using technology and innovation to disrupt drinking water space. Boon is about celebrating water the way it should be, as a blessing.

Boon launched WaterATM™ in 2014 and developed one of the world’s first dedicated IoT platform called Clairvoyant™ for drinking water at the time to be able to monitor drinking water purifiers spread across the globe. Since then, Boon has expanded Clairvoyant to focus on not only the social impact aspect but also the environmental impact aspect by enabling hotels, restaurants and offices to switch away from plastic hydration to more sustainable solutions.



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