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Sustainable Tourism – The positive relationship between tourism and natural ecosystem

Kamakhya Singh, General Manager - BLVD Club. Components of Sustainable Tourism in the year 2030? Sustainable tourism is all about re-focusing and adapting more environmentally viable ways. It is a conscious step towards reinforcing the positive relationship

Kamakhya Singh,

General Manager – BLVD Club.

Components of Sustainable Tourism in the year 2030?

Sustainable tourism is all about re-focusing and adapting more environmentally viable ways. It is a conscious step towards reinforcing the positive relationship between tourism and natural ecosystem. The tourism industry relies on natural and cultural resources. Therefore, conserving resources and sustainability is not only significant for the future generation but also for the very survival and growth of the industry. Sustainable tourism is a long-run focus and is here to stay. The main components that forms the base of Sustainable Tourism are- Eco-tourism, Cultural tourism, Responsible tourism and Geo-tourism.

Do People Prefer Urban Tourism or Cultural Heritage?

There is almost an equal interest for both Urban Tourism and Cultural Heritage. India is known for its rich cultural heritage and an element of mysticism, tourists across the world visit India to experience it for themselves. Urban tourism entails the scenic beauty of city spectacles such as architecture, monuments, beaches as well as cultural amenities like museums and restaurants. However, in the long run, culture led urban regeneration is predicted to contribute to urban economy, conservation and promotion of urban heritage.

Solo trips as a major trend in 2030.

Lately there has been a growing yearning for travel and restrictions imposed due to pandemic have enkindled the desire to explore and discover the best destinations of the world. The freedom to pack a bag and plan for a holiday just because one could is something that will never again be taken for granted. Travel has now become a necessity and a privilege at the same time. Solo trips open up opportunities to unplug and dedicate time for self-exploration. By 2030, solo travel is expected to be seen as the biggest way ever as travellers are now seeking different ways to spend quality time with themselves. Also, solo travelling is one of the most practical ways to travel as it gives one a complete control over the itinerary, preferences and gives a sense of achievement.

What Would Travel and Tourism Look like in 2030?

Innovation continues to transform how we experience and explore the world. Travellers of the future will be inclined towards forward-thinking and more tech-savvy experiences. Going by the current times, 2030 will witness shift in travel preferences that are motivated by healthy living, experiential in nature and premium. Consumers’ desire for life experiences will further lead to the increased demand for luxury travel and luxury private clubs. With targeted memberships, upgraded facilities, and a focus on the digital, private luxury clubs are pivoting towards a fresher and younger experience. With gaining interest for exclusivity and personalisation, private luxury clubs will redefine the idea of a luxury with its unique mix of business, lifestyle and entertainment elements.


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