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AI is Changing the Trends and Day-to-Day Working of the Hotel Industry – Niraamaya Wellness Retreats & Business Group

Dhavalakeerthi M K, Vice President Marketing, Niraamaya Wellness Retreats & Business Group How AI is changing the trends and day-to-day working of the hotel industry Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer for the hospitality sector in

Dhavalakeerthi M K, Vice President Marketing, Niraamaya Wellness Retreats & Business Group

How AI is changing the trends and day-to-day working of the hotel industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer for the hospitality sector in recent years. As the industry moves towards an increasingly tech-driven future, AI has become an essential element in streamlining key business procedures and assisting in strategic decision-making. 

AI is revolutionizing the way hotels interact with their guests. From chatbots to voice assistants, hotels are using AI to provide seamless and personalized experiences. Chatbots, for instance, can be used to answer guest queries, make reservations, and provide information about the hotel’s amenities. AI is also playing a significant role in revenue management. It enables hotels to analyze data such as booking patterns, customer preferences, and pricing trends to optimize pricing strategies, resulting in increased revenue. By analyzing this data, hotels can also identify potential upsell opportunities, resulting in higher guest spend. 

We intend on using AI to analyze data and optimize our pricing strategies, resulting in better revenue management. We have seen a positive impact on brands as a result of using AI. 


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