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FHRAI’s statement on Rs 50,000-Crore Credit Support To Hospitality Sector Under ECLGS

“The Union Cabinet’s decision to approve an additional ECLGS worth Rs.50,000 Cr specifically for hospitality, travel and tourism sectors is a welcome one. The additional line of credit was much needed by the hospitality sector

“The Union Cabinet’s decision to approve an additional ECLGS worth Rs.50,000 Cr specifically for hospitality, travel and tourism sectors is a welcome one. The additional line of credit was much needed by the hospitality sector which is still grappling with massive debts and is simultaneously trying to keep business running. Travel has picked up and tourism destinations are seeing a revival. Several hospitality establishments cannot sustain operations without sufficient liquidity, but the extended ECLGS could help businesses buy some more time to keep the wheels in motion. We thank the Government for considering our appeal for earmarking an ECLGS for the sector.”

Mr Gurbaxish Singh Kohli, Vice President, Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI)

About Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI):

The Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) is the apex body of the Indian Hospitality industry. Founded in 1955, the FHRAI is the third-largest Hospitality association in the world and has diligently built on its rich legacy. The Association is today privileged to serve as the leading voice of the hotel and restaurant industry and plays a seminal role in supporting the growth trajectory of India’s hospitality and tourism sector. FHRAI provides a vibrant interface between the industry, government, regulatory bodies, academia, international organizations, civil society and the media.


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