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#BeatPlasticPollution – Gm’s Views on World Environment Day

This year the theme for World Environment day is #BeatPlasticPollution. Let's see what are the initiatives taken by different hotel properties on this World Environment Day. General Managers Viewpoint on the initiatives: Manas Banerjee General Manager, Radisson

This year the theme for World Environment day is #BeatPlasticPollution. Let’s see what are the initiatives taken by different hotel properties on this World Environment Day. General Managers Viewpoint on the initiatives:

Manas Banerjee

General Manager, Radisson Blu, Indore

The hotel industry forms a large part of the tourism industry. One of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy. Hotels around the world have been taking proactive measures to combat plastic pollution and promote sustainability.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by us is the elimination of single-use plastic items. We have made significant efforts to reduce or completely eliminate items such as plastic bottles, straws, and single-use toiletries. Instead, we offer guests reusable or biodegradable alternatives. We have replaced plastic straws with biodegradable straws, minimizing plastic waste. Have started including biodegradable or compostable packaging materials for packaging guest amenities, takeaway meals, and room service, which are more environmentally friendly.

We are actively implementing recycling and waste management training programs to ensure the proper disposal of plastic waste. By segregating and recycling plastic waste, hotels contribute to reducing the overall environmental impact.

Plastic is being widely adopted by hotel. In various aspects of their operations, we have replaced plastic with more sustainable options. The hotel also offers cloth or paper bags as alternatives to plastic bags, promoting eco-friendly practices.

Education and awareness play a crucial role in combating plastic pollution. We take the initiative to educate our staff about the importance of reducing plastic use and provide information on the hotel’s sustainability initiatives.

In conclusion, the hotel is taking various initiatives to combat plastic pollution under the theme of #BeatPlasticPollution. These initiatives include the elimination of single-use plastics, reduction of plastic packaging waste, implementation of recycling and waste management programs, and adoption of sustainable alternatives. Through these collective efforts, the hotel is making a significant contribution to the global movement against plastic pollution and promoting a more sustainable future.

Anoop Pandey,

General Manager, JW Marriott Mussoorie Walnut Grove Resort & Spa

JW Marriott Mussoorie Walnut Grove Resort & Spa emphasizes on sustainability as one of its core values. The ‘Serene Spaces’ initiative, specifically the JW Garden, exemplifies the commitment to environmental consciousness and harmonious integration with the surroundings. Guests can indulge in farm-to-fork dining experiences featuring edible florals, herbs, and fresh vegetables, accompanied by artisanal ‘Cocktails with Purpose’ inspired by the region’s indigenous ingredients. The JW Garden menu is dedicated to promoting ‘Implant Health’ with plant-based food and beverages sourced entirely from plants.

Another noteworthy endeavour is the ‘Implant Nature’ initiative, allowing guests to participate in afforestation efforts and contribute to the conservation of the Himalayan foothills. Under the guidance of botanical experts, visitors engage in the entire process, from ploughing the soil to planting and even naming their saplings. Regular updates on the sapling’s growth and development are shared, fostering a sense of connection and responsibility.

The hotel also focuses on reducing its carbon footprint by sourcing local ingredients. This commitment extends not only to produce found within the property but also within a 200-kilometer radius, supporting sustainable farming in 26 local villages and promoting self-employment for farmers. To further empower local businesses, the hotel introduces the innovative ‘JW Garden’ pop-up concept, showcasing a diverse selection of Himalayan brands and businesses in the organic food space.

The hotel actively encourages guests to participate in eco-adventure activities, tree planting for the future, and plastic recycling, aiming to create awareness and engage in outdoor pursuits for a sustainable future. We have implemented strict measures to tackle sustainability and food wastage while maintaining the luxury standards of the brand. By collaborating with local vendors, we procure fresh, seasonal ingredients that minimize carbon footprint and ensure a healthy supply chain of organic foods, thereby benefiting both the environment and the community.

To combat plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices, the hotel has eliminated the use of plastic containers and replaced them with packaging made of paper, bamboo, glass, or metal to an upmost level. Water bottles in restaurants have transitioned to glass, while minibar and bathroom amenities now use biodegradable materials. Buffet serve ware and props have been switched to ceramic, porcelain, glass, wood, or metal. The hotel cultivates basic herbs and microgreens on its farmland, with plans to establish a hydroponics garden.

Menu selections prioritize locally available ingredients to minimize carbon footprint, and endangered species are strictly excluded from the menus. Additionally, the hotel undertakes tree planting activities with a focus on fruit trees to benefit future generations. Antibiotic-free certification is required for all meat vendors, and single-use plastic is prohibited from being supplied or brought into the hotel by any vendor.

Through these comprehensive sustainability initiatives, JW Marriott Mussoorie Walnut Grove Resort & Spa strives to create a luxurious experience while upholding environmentally responsible practices, fostering a sustainable future for all.

Ashley James

General Manager, Angsana Oasis Spa & Resort

This year has been a turning point for the property. We celebrated our 22nd anniversary and with that we decided to take a step into the future with a more sustainable approach to how we run the business, putting in thought behind many of the everyday elements and making changes for the better both for the property and the earth.

From looking at energy saving options for air conditioners, room lighting to reducing single use plastic guest amenities like the tooth brush, other bathroom amenities and packaging for the same, we are consciously moving away from adding to the landfills. To that effect, we are exploring the idea of installing a glass bottling plant to mitigate if not completely stop the use of plastic drinking water bottles around the property and replacing the plastic key card for rooms to either a wooden card or introducing a keyless entry for our guests.

Sudeep Sharma

General Manager, The Westin Pune Koregaon Park

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. In response to this urgent issue, hotels worldwide are taking proactive steps to combat plastic pollution and drive positive change. As the General Manager of The Westin Pune Koregaon Park, I am proud to share the initiatives we have undertaken to contribute to the #BeatPlasticPollution movement.

At The Westin Pune Koregaon Park, we recognize that eliminating single-use plastics is a crucial step towards a sustainable future. We have implemented comprehensive plastic-free policies throughout our operations, ensuring that single-use plastic items such as straws, bottles, and packaging are eradicated from our premises. In their place, we offer eco-friendly alternatives like paper straws and biodegradable packaging materials, enabling our guests to enjoy their experience guilt-free.

To address the issue of plastic water bottle waste, we have gone a step further by installing an in-house bottling plant and implementing a glass bottle reuse program. Our state-of-the-art bottling plant allows us to purify and filter water on-site, eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles. We provide guests with reusable glass bottles that can be refilled at the bottling plant or in-room. This initiative not only significantly reduces plastic waste but also promotes the use of sustainable materials. By embracing this innovative approach, we empower our guests to actively participate in reducing plastic pollution while enjoying the convenience and elegance of reusable glass bottles.

In our guest rooms and public areas, we have made a conscious effort to replace single-use plastic amenities with sustainable alternatives. Refillable dispensers now provide shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, minimizing the amount of plastic waste generated. Additionally, we offer eco-friendly and biodegradable toiletries, ensuring that guests can enjoy a luxurious experience while aligning with their commitment to environmental sustainability.

To further our efforts, we actively collaborate with local suppliers who share our vision of reducing plastic waste. By sourcing products and ingredients from responsible suppliers, we can reduce plastic packaging and support the local economy simultaneously. This approach not only strengthens our commitment to sustainability but also fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility.

At The Westin Pune Koregaon Park, we believe that raising awareness is essential in the fight against plastic pollution. Through informative signage, in-room literature, and digital communication channels, we educate our guests about the importance of reducing plastic waste and inspire them to participate in our initiatives. By engaging guests in the journey to #BeatPlasticPollution, we empower them to make conscious choices and extend their sustainable practices beyond their stay.

In conclusion, hotels play a vital role in addressing plastic pollution. The Westin Pune Koregaon Park is proud to lead the way in this movement, implementing robust initiatives to combat plastic pollution and inspire change within the hospitality industry. By eliminating single-use plastics, promoting sustainable

alternatives, and engaging guests, we aim to create a future where plastic pollution is minimized, and our planet thrives. Together, let us work towards a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable world.

Anand Nair, 

 General Manager, Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park

Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park: Leading the Way in Beating Plastic Pollution for World Environment Day

In a groundbreaking move to combat plastic waste, Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park, part of the IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group), has embraced an industry-leading initiative. IHG announced that all of its 843,000 guest rooms worldwide will transition to bulk-size bathroom amenities, making it the first global hotel company to commit all its brands to remove bathroom miniatures. This significant step aligns with IHG’s broader sustainability agenda and reinforces the hotel’s commitment to operating responsibly.

By adopting larger-size amenities across its 5,600 hotels globally, IHG aims to significantly reduce its waste footprint and environmental impact. Already, nearly a third of IHG’s estate has implemented this change, and the brand is proud to make it a standard for all IHG hotels. Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park is passionate about sustainability and will continue to explore ways to make a positive difference to the environment and local communities.

With approximately 200 million bathroom miniatures used across IHG’s hotels each year, the commitment to transition to bulk-size amenities is expected to result in a substantial reduction in plastic waste. This initiative builds upon IHG’s previous pledge to eliminate plastic straws from its hotels and various waste reduction initiatives. By joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Circular Economy 100 network, IHG demonstrates its commitment to collaborating with cross-industry partners to create a more sustainable world.

Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park and other IHG hotels have also taken significant steps to say no to single-use plastics. IHG removed single-use plastic straws globally, amounting to an average of 50 million straws eliminated from IHG hotels each year.

In addition to environmental initiatives, Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park actively contributes to local communities. Through the used Carton Donation Initiative in collaboration with an NGO named “Wasted solutions” in Chennai, the hotel pledged to donates the used cartons to make furniture for school kids.

We have also contracted with an outsource agency for power consumption around 50-65% via Wind mill. The agency assists our hotel providing electricity for consumption which is made up of using wind mill.

As Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park embraces IHG’s pioneering initiatives to #BeatPlasticPollution, it sets an example for the industry on World Environment Day. Through its commitment to sustainability, the hotel inspires other hotels to prioritize environmental responsibility and work towards a more sustainable future.

Raj Subba,

Area General Manager, Lords Hotels & Resorts

This is the story of how Lords hotels in Gangtok embarked on a journey to make a positive impact on the world around them by doing a deeper commitment to environmental sustainability

One of the first steps Lords hotel in Gangtok took was to eliminate the use of package water bottles. Instead, we provide our guests and staff with refreshing water from an aqua guard system. By doing so, we have significantly reduced the consumption of single-use plastics and promoted a healthier lifestyle.

To further minimize their environmental footprint, the hotel implemented eco-friendly practices for their takeaway food. Wooden stirrer sticks, forks, spoons, and paper cups were used, ensuring that no harmful plastic waste was generated.

The commitment to waste management was evident throughout the hotel. Garbage segregation of plastic, dry, and wet waste was strictly followed, ensuring proper disposal and recycling practices. This effort aimed to reduce landfill waste and promote a cleaner, greener future.

We are also adopted a sustainable approach to linen usage said Mr Raj Subba, Area General Manager. We are practicing a rotation system for beds, reusing linen on at least three-quarters of the beds. Linen was changed only if necessary or upon the guest’s request during their stay or upon check-out. This practice not only saved water but also contributed to energy conservation.

Towel reuse was another ongoing practice at Lords Gangtok. By encouraging guests to reuse their towels during their stay, the hotel effectively reduced water and energy consumption associated with frequent washing.

To conserve water, tap aerators were installed in the hotel. These innovative devices reduced water flow without compromising the guest experience, promoting responsible water usage throughout the premises.

We are also committed to energy efficiency. Installation of sensor lights in public areas, toilets, and corridors was in progress, ensuring that lights were only active when needed. This initiative aimed to reduce unnecessary energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future.

As World Environment Day approached, we are organized a special event. We have decided to celebrate by organizing a flower and tree plantation in their staff accommodation compound. This act of nurturing nature within their own space showcased their deep-rooted commitment to environmental conservation.

In their day-to-day operations, we also promoted paper conservation. They encouraged the reuse of the reverse side of printed paper and recycled envelopes whenever possible, minimizing waste and maximizing resources.

To further enhance our energy efficiency, we are in the process of replacing CFL and halogen lights with more energy-efficient alternatives. This transition would significantly reduce energy consumption and lower their carbon footprint.

Our dedication to sustainable practices was a testament to their commitment to the environment. By adopting eco-friendly initiatives such as reducing plastic waste, conserving water and energy, and promoting recycling, the hotel aimed to inspire others to join their cause.

With each small step we took, we have showed that sustainable living was not just a concept but a way of life. We have proved that even in the lap of luxury, it was possible to make a positive impact on the world around us. And so, our story of environmental stewardship continued to inspire both guests and staff, reminding them that every action, no matter how small, had the power to create a brighter, greener future.

Rahul Makhija, 

General Manager at The Park Navi Mumbai

To beat plastic pollution, we at THE Park Navi Mumbai have taken several initiatives to minimize the plastic waste and promote more sustainable practices. Here are some initiatives we have implemented:

Eliminate Single-Use Plastic Items: Replace single-use plastic items such as straws, cutlery, and toiletries with eco-friendly alternatives.

Recycling and Waste Management: Implement a comprehensive recycling and waste management system throughout the hotel. Clearly label recycling bins and provide information to guests about proper waste disposal. Partner with local recycling facilities to ensure that recyclable materials are appropriately processed.

Sustainable Purchasing: Prioritize suppliers that offer sustainable and plastic-free alternatives. Consider purchasing bulk items to reduce individual packaging waste.

Engage Guests: Educate guests about the hotel’s sustainability initiatives and encourage their participation. Place informational materials in guest rooms, provide tips on reducing plastic waste, and offer incentives for guests who actively support eco-friendly practices.

Collaborate with Local Organizations: Partner with local environmental organizations and initiatives to raise awareness about plastic pollution. Support community clean-up events, sponsor eco-friendly programs, and participate in local sustainability initiatives.

Staff Training: Train the staff on the importance of plastic waste reduction and provide them with guidelines for implementing sustainable practices. Encourage them to lead by example and actively participate in waste reduction efforts.

Rajesh Radhakrishnan,

General Manager, THE Park Chennai

THE Park Chennai has implemented a comprehensive Waste Management and recycling program that segregates the waste generated across the Hotel at source. As plastic waste is detrimental to oceanic and other ecosystems which highly impact the environment, THE Park Hotel’s has implemented a zero single use plastic policy. 

Single use plastics have been replaced with sustainable options – disposable cutlery, carry bags and takeaway containers, bottles, straws, stirrers etc. to name a few of the initiatives implemented across the group. THE Park Hotels has also incorporated a Sustainability programme across the Group that comprises of awareness modules to sensitize team members and Sustainable Champions who drive the road map of sustainability goals of the Group across the country.

Anuj Chaudhry 

General Manager, Grand Mercure Bangalore – koramangala

Nature has been our ultimate treasure. It needs to be protected with impactful measures, Where we bring sustainable solutions to beat the plastic pollution. Pledging to conserve our tomorrow with the greener initiatives of today. 

Grand Mercure Bangalore serves drinking water in glass bottles to reduce carbon footprint
Grand Mercure Bangalore provides zero plastic bathroom amenities)

Jaidev Dutta

General Manager, Holiday Inn Bengaluru Racecourse

Initiatives taken to beat plastic pollution are: 

-Single use plastic reduction: Implement a comprehensive plan to minimize or eliminate the use of single use plastics throughout the hotel, including plastic straws, water bottles, disposable cutlery, plastic bags and toiletry containers. Replace them with eco-friendly alternatives such as biodegradable or compostable options. We have made a commitment to replace plastic bottles with glass bottles in all our rooms and restaurants in our hotels. 

-Sustainable packaging: Opt for sustainable packaging materials for products and amenities provided to guests, such as recycled or biodegradable materials. Minimize excessive packaging and use eco-friendly alternatives. 

-Plastic-free amenities: Replace single-use plastic amenities like shampoo bottles, conditioners with refillable dispensers or reusable containers. 

-Recycling programs: Establish a comprehensive recycling program throughout the hotel, ensuring that guests have easy access to recycling bins in their rooms, common areas and event spaces. Clearly label the bins and provide information on what can be recycled. 

-Staff training and awareness: Educate hotel staff about the importance of plastic pollution and sustainability practices. Train them to engage with guests by providing information about the guests by providing information about the hotel’s initiatives and encouraging eco-friendly behaviors. 

-Engage guests: Raise awareness among guests about the hotel’s sustainability efforts through signage, brochures or in-room literature. Encourage them to participate in the initiatives such as reusing towels and linens, opting out of daily room cleaning and using provided recycling facilities. 

-Plastic free events: Offer alternatives to single-use plastics during events held at the hotel, such as using reusable or biodegradable cutlery, plates and cups. Work with event organizers to promote sustainable practices and provide eco-friendly options. 

Sunil Narang

General Manager, Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai

Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai is committed to sustainability while preserving and regenerating the environment and leaving a positive, enduring impact on the local community. As a leading luxury hospitality brand, it recognizes the importance of preserving the planet and minimizing the ecological footprint. The hotel has embraced sustainability as a core value and integrated it into its operations and guest experiences.

Four Seasons Mumbai has an in-house water bottling plant to supply rooms and restaurants with filtered water in reusable glass bottles, with a strong message – Hydrate. The hotel has also implemented energy-efficient technologies and practices throughout the property, including LED lighting, motion sensors, smart thermostats, and water-efficient landscaping. By optimizing energy consumption, the hotel aims to reduce carbon footprint and promote sustainable energy use. Organic waste is diverted from landfill and processed through the hotel’s in-house organic waste composter. Owing to a partnership with Sundar India Work Center, soaps and toiletries are also recycled and donated to those in need. Apart from being conscious about clean energy and environmental waste, Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai also prioritizes sourcing local and organic products for all culinary offerings. This not only supports local farmers and producers but also reduces transportation-related carbon emissions and promotes healthier, sustainable food choices for guests.

The hotel also actively engages with the local community through various initiatives, including educational programs, environmental awareness campaigns, and collaborations with local organizations. By embracing sustainable practices, Four Seasons Mumbai believes not only in contributing to the preservation of the environment but also enhancing the overall guest experience by providing the guests with an opportunity to make conscious choices and be part of a sustainability journey.

Abhishek Pani,

General Manager, Novotel Vijayawada Varun

At Novotel Vijayawada Varun, we have taken significant steps to prioritize sustainability and provide our guests with a greener stay. One of our notable initiatives is the installation of an EV charging station, encouraging the use of electric vehicles and helping to reduce carbon emissions. To promote eco-friendly transportation, we also offer electric bikes and bicycles for local commuting.

Waste management is a crucial aspect of our sustainability efforts. With our in-house compost machine, we can convert organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, minimizing the amount of waste sent to landfills. We are also committed to reducing CO2 emissions by implementing energy-efficient practices and utilizing renewable energy sources.

To enhance air quality and provide a sustainable source of fresh herbs, we have integrated vertical herbal gardens throughout the property. Energy conservation is another priority, achieved through the use of LED lighting, smart thermostats, and occupancy sensors to optimize energy usage.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, Novotel Vijayawada Varun is a non-smoking establishment, ensuring cleaner indoor air quality and reducing the harmful effects of smoking. Additionally, our in-house bottling plant eliminates the need for plastic bottles, contributing to a significant reduction in plastic waste and promoting a more sustainable approach to water consumption.

Through these comprehensive sustainability measures, we demonstrate our dedication to environmental responsibility and offer our guests a green and eco-conscious experience.

Kunal Shanker 

General Manager InterContinental Chennai Mahabalipuram

Plastic pollution has emerged as a significant global challenge that demands our immediate attention. While plastics offer convenience and versatility, their extensive use and improper disposal have caused severe environmental repercussions. Ecosystem destruction, harm to marine life through entanglement and ingestion, and the contamination of vital water and food sources are just a few of the issues we face. As we commemorate World Environment Day, it is crucial to confront this problem head-on and adopt sustainable solutions to combat plastic pollution.

To effectively tackle plastic pollution, it is imperative that we begin by reducing our consumption of single-use plastics. Items such as plastic bags, straws, bottles, and packaging contribute significantly to the waste stream when used only once before being discarded. By embracing reusable alternatives like cloth bags, metal straws, and refillable water bottles, we can substantially decrease the volume of plastic waste generated. Small changes in our everyday routines can yield substantial long-term benefits.

The role of recycling cannot be overstated in our fight against plastic pollution. Establishing efficient waste management systems and accessible recycling facilities is crucial. By giving plastic waste a second life through recycling, we can reduce the demand for new plastic production and alleviate its detrimental impact on the environment.

Education and awareness play pivotal roles in addressing plastic pollution effectively. It is essential to educate individuals about the harmful effects of plastics on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. Through impactful campaigns, workshops, and community engagement, we can empower people to make informed choices and embrace sustainable practices. By fostering a sense of collective responsibility, we can inspire positive change.

As we observe World Environment Day, let us pledge to combat plastic pollution and embrace our role as responsible guardians of the planet. Every action, regardless of its scale, holds significance. Together, we have the power to reduce plastic waste, safeguard our ecosystems, and create a healthier future for generations to come. Now is the time to take a stand and make a lasting impact against the menace of plastic pollution, says Kunal Shanker, General Manager – InterContinental Chennai Mahabalipuram Resort.

Joyjit Chakravorty

General Manager, Hilton Garden Inn, New Delhi/Saket 

“Adhering to the  Government Mandate in 2022, We at Hilton Garden Inn, New Delhi/Saket have completely eradicated the use of one time use plastic in our hotel.

Some of the new adaptations has been paper straws, wooden cutlery holder, glass water bottles for the RO water and avoiding plastic garbage bags to name the commonly used ones.

Travel with Purpose is Hilton’s commitment to redefine sustainable travel by driving positive environmental and social change across our operations, supply chain and communities. Through Travel with Purpose, Hilton is committed to driving positive social and environmental impact across every market in which it operates.

Following the same footsteps, we have also initiated paper take away coffee mugs and plates, weaved carry bags, wooden stirrers and recently working on recycling our discarded room linen for more meaningful usage.”

Dinesh Rai,

General Manager, Crowne Plaza Kochi

Crowne Plaza Kochi takes immense pride in being associated with PROMISE, an initiative dedicated to addressing the pressing issue of plastic pollution in our oceans and beaches.

In addition to organizing beach cleaning drives, we are extending our efforts to other impactful activities. These include distributing tree saplings in the neighborhood, conducting street cleaning drives, and facilitating online workshops and interactive sessions. We are also planning to conduct a competition in schools, encouraging high school students to deliver speeches on World Environment Day topics.

Furthermore, we are actively promoting sustainable practices by distributing LED bulbs and jute bags. In line with our commitment to a greener future, we have added an electric vehicle to our pick and drop services. Additionally, we are in the process of installing EV charging stations to support electric vehicles in our vicinity.

Our focus remains on implementing long-term solutions to combat plastic pollution. As a step forward, we are dedicated to promoting recycling and sustainable practices throughout the hotel. We are proud to announce that we have signed an agreement to install a glass bottling plant, which will replace plastic bottles and significantly reduce plastic waste.

We believe that by taking these collective actions, we can make a substantial positive impact on the environment. Together, let us strive for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future.

Davinder Juj

General Manager, Eros Hotel Nehru Place New Delhi 

Sustainability is  one of our core values and therefore we at Eros Hotel invest a lot in implementing environment- friendly practices.  We have adopted a number of water conservation practices like rain water harvesting, use of recycled water for plantation and Engineering Cooling Towers to ensure efficient water management. We have installed an in-house bio gas plant for proper disposal of bio degradable / waste food from different outlets and banquets. We emphasize and put best of our efforts to manage waste and recyclable materials in order to reduce the environmental impact of hotel operations. Any kind of E-Waste / Hazardous waste, generated at our organization is being handed over to Govt. Authorized collectors / recycler to dispose it off or to recycle. Our hotel has also minimised the use of single-use plastic — plastic water bottles, straws, stirrers, on-the-go cups, and delivery packaging — across all restaurants.

In order to save energy, we have stopped using incandescent lamps long back. We use 100 percent LED lights to conserve electricity along with mechanical timers for lighting.”

Sriram S.

General Manager, Feathers Hotel Chennai

Feathers – A Radha Hotel, Chennai Takes Bold Steps to Beat Plastic Pollution

Feathers Hotel, a leading luxury hotel in Chennai, is proud to announce a series of initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution. With a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, the hotel has implemented various measures to reduce its plastic footprint and promote a greener future.

Under the visionary leadership of Mr. S Sriram, General Manager of Feathers Hotel, these proactive steps have been taken to address the growing concerns surrounding plastic pollution. Mr. Sriram stated, “At Feathers Hotel, we believe in the importance of preserving our planet for future generations. Our efforts to combat plastic pollution reflect our commitment to sustainable practices and our responsibility as a socially conscious organization.”

The hotel’s initiatives to beat plastic pollution include:

· Glass bottle usage: Glass bottles have replaced plastic bottles in boardrooms and guest rooms, reducing single-use plastic waste.

· Biodegradable food packaging: Takeaway food is now packaged in biodegradable materials, eliminating the use of harmful plastics.

· Paper carry bags: The hotel provides paper carry bags to guests as an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bags.

· Reduction of cling film usage: In the kitchen, the hotel has significantly reduced the usage of cling film, a commonly used plastic product.

· Wooden utensils for takeout: Takeaway orders are served with wooden spoons and forks, eliminating the need for disposable plastic cutlery.

· Cloth laundry bags: Plastic laundry bags have been replaced with cloth bags, promoting sustainable practices in housekeeping operations.

· Wooden hangers: Wooden hangers are now used in the room cupboards, replacing plastic hangers.

· Paper cups for takeaway beverages: Takeaway juice and coffee are served in paper cups, reducing the consumption of single-use plastic cups.

· Biodegradable packaging for produce: The hotel has introduced biodegradable packaging for vegetables, poultry, meat, and fish.

· Stainless steel containers: Plastic containers have been replaced with stainless steel containers in stores and the kitchen, reducing plastic waste.

· Biodegradable hand gloves and garbage bags: The housekeeping and kitchen staff now use biodegradable hand gloves and garbage bags.

· Waste composting machine: The hotel has installed a waste composting machine to convert all waste into compost, minimizing the amount of waste sent to landfills.

· Use of natural plants: Ceramic or pottery holders are used for natural plants instead of plastic holders, promoting a plastic-free environment.

Feathers Hotel’s dedication to sustainable practices sets an inspiring example for the hospitality industry and demonstrates their commitment to protecting the environment. By embracing these measures, the hotel is actively contributing to the global fight against plastic pollution and leading the way towards a greener future.

Sharad Sharma

General Manager, The Seven Seas Hotel New Delhi

Water is Life: Alternative shutdown of laundry facility reduced the water consumption from running cycle. Concentrated the resource optimization to only peak load over the temperature on your water heater- Set too high (140 degrees or higher), water heaters can waste up to 5 percent on your heating costs and use.

Breathe Pure initiative : Hotel has switched to Gas & Electrical cooking methods & completely stop coal usage to get rid of air pollution & carbon emissions.

Watch the end use Initiative: Recycled paper & linen for cleaning has lead to reduced wastages. Hotel maintains high plastic free water bottles which encourages guest as well to be served from reusable glass to water bottles in fine dining areas.We use paper bag & organic packaging material only to guard the planet. The hotel also recycles the cardboard, broken glass, broken crockery, metal, linen and food wastage in segregated section & process them in accordance to nature of use. We focus on procurement in largest possible perishable packaging to reduce wastages & transfer of good in durable waste free containers.

Save Energy Save Earth; Switch to Energy-saving Light Bulbs & designing luminous assessment of the facilities as per user need. Recent additions were made for motion sensor & power timers to reduce energy wastages.

Eat More Food from Local Sources – Backward integration to need based procurement from direct markets & just in time inventory methods reduced our wastages of perishable procurements. It reduced loads on freezer & walk in electrical consumption as well.

We focus on E -waste management through optimal aggregation & disposal.

Fix Leaks & Keep Recycling on- A leak of one drip per second can waste 259 gallons of water every month, according to the Department of Energy. We at Seven Seas do a water drip audit every week with our teams to tighten up the faucet & washrooms, wash basin, dishwasher machines. We process all our used water at In-house sewage

treatment plant & use the produce to maintain land parcel round the hotel for landscaping & plantation works with active participation through governing bodies under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan wining three consecutive awards in the category.

It’s not food waste but abundant nutrient initiative: Composter & Manure – We at Seven Seas Hotel produce organic Manure & Compost to feed the greenery maintained around the hotel for green initiative program by the management.

Use Earth-friendly Cleaning Products where possible.

Seek Guest Support Initiative; we request & encourage our guest (through in room letter & cards) to help us reduce unused room linen during stay to reduce water & energy waste. Seven Seas focuses & encourages optimal use of sunlight wherever possible.

Turn It Off – Our team actively schedule to train & reiterate on importance of energy conservation through and in still sense of ownership amongst every seven seas family member. Also, reduced carbon emission wherever applicable.

Plantation & Green Garden – The hotel maintains optimal back up for replacement of plants based on seasonal needs & replace them in accordance to needed cycles.

Bharat Bhusan Biswal,

General Manager, Lotus Eco Resort Konark

Taking a Stand Against Plastic Pollution: Our Ongoing Journey at Lotus Eco Resort Konark

Plastic, with its myriad applications, has undeniably made our lives more convenient. However, our growing dependence on plastic goods has led to severe negative consequences for the environment, society, and our health. As we commemorate World Environment Day, it is crucial to reflect on the actions we have taken at Lotus Eco Resort Konark to combat plastic pollution and build a sustainable and clean future. Our ongoing efforts to designate our location as a no-plastic zone and our commitment to ethical and ecological travel have garnered recognition within society.

Our Environmental Responsibility

At Lotus Eco Resort, our environmental consciousness stems from the vision of our esteemed Chairman, Dr Vithal Venkatesh Kamat, and our collective goal to include the local community. Since 2009, we have embraced the responsibility of preserving our environment, overcoming hurdles, and striving to maintain cleanliness and greenery.

Raising Awareness

Our initiatives to eliminate single-use plastic and address its detrimental effects on the environment and society have gained widespread recognition. Beach cleanups, social awareness campaigns, and the replacement of plastic with eco-friendly alternatives have become integral aspects of our operations. We are proud to have transformed societal perceptions, where our efforts are now met with support and participation.

Collaborative Efforts:

Our environmental campaigns have garnered immense support from local organizations, NGOs, and various agencies. Together, we have united for a common cause, promoting and fostering environmental initiatives. The Green Team, consisting of 20 dedicated individuals, spearheads activities such as beach cleanups, tree planting, and community cleaning. Our monthly environmental calendar guides our operations, allowing us to celebrate festivals like eco-friendly Holi and green Diwali alongside our customers.

Education and Empowerment:

In our commitment to environmental preservation, we prioritize educating our employees and guests. The induction program includes lessons on environmental practices, emphasizing the concept of the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Initiatives such as replacing polythene carry bags with woven bags, plastic bottles with glass bottles, and plastic packaged water with sustainable alternatives have been successful in reducing our plastic footprint.

Inspiring Change:

Lotus Eco Resort Konark has become a shining example for neighboring residents and fellow hoteliers, inspiring them to embrace environmental consciousness. However, our journey does not end here. We remain committed to continually encouraging our staff, guests, and stakeholders to contribute towards a future where plastic pollution no longer exists in our environment.


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